first minister

美 [ˌfɜːrst ˈmɪnɪstər]英 [ˌfɜːst ˈmɪnɪstə(r)]
  • n.首席部长(一些地区或国家中执政党的领袖)

复数: First Ministers

first ministerfirst minister


the leader of the ruling political party in some regions or countries, for example in Scotland

also First Minister
  1. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans for a second independence referendum .


  2. In return , our Deputy First Minister has just accepted a generous invitation to lead a delegation to China later this year .


  3. Marshal He Long was the first minister of the China State Sports Commission along with his other positions .


  4. Charles Kitwanga is the first minister to be fired since the cabinet 's appointment .


  5. One of the most familiar faces in NI politics , he is stepping down from his position as first minister .


  6. The first minister will also visit the University of international business and economics in Beijing where he will meet students and answer their questions .


  7. A reading at the Edinburgh book festival was introduced by none other than the first minister , Alex Salmond .


  8. According to Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond , the dropping of that appeal Megrahi 's release .


  9. In May Mr Paisley will become first minister , with Mr Adams 's second-in-command , Martin McGuinness , as his deputy .


  10. In1954 , the Ministry of Education was established , headed by then Prince Fahd bin Abdulaziz as the first Minister of Education .


  11. Scotland 's semi-autonomous government has agreed to ban smoking in enclosed public places under legislation to be launched before Christmas , First Minister Jack McConnell revealed .


  12. told the BBC that independence would be good for business : Scotland 's first minister , Alex Salmond , has promised to scrap a tax on airline passengers .


  13. The royal couple were welcomed by Stormont First Minister Arlene Foster and Deputy Minister Mr McGuinness at Hillsborough Castle , in Belfast , yesterday .


  14. First Minister Craven instructed companies wishing to bid to set forth a strategic plan , a profit sharing proposal , and a list of existing corporate resources to be committed to the project .


  15. It is said of He Lung that he established a Soviet district in Hunan with one knife . Marshal He Long was the first minister of the China State Sports Commission along with his other positions .


  16. The First Minister of Scotland , Nicola Sturgeon , told the BBC that could happen if the UK government started the formal process of leaving the EU without Scotland 's position being safeguarded .


  17. Last month Scotland 's first minister criticised a Home Office decision not to renew the visas of two Mandarin teachers from China who had spent a year in Scotland as part of a Confucius Institute programme .


  18. But there are two wild cards the considerable political skills of Alex Salmond , the SNP leader and Scottish first minister , and the unpopularity of the UK coalition government in Scotland .


  19. SCOTTISH Tory peer has accused Alex Salmond of seeking to sabotage a Westminster-backed independence referendum – as another lord appeared to liken the First Minister to Robert Mugabe .


  20. Shripad Naik , India 's first minister overseeing yoga and traditional medicine , who has helped organize this month 's celebration , said it was time to clear away the vestiges of a Western lifestyle left behind by colonial powers .


  21. First Minister Craven explained his vote in favour on the floor of the Assembly , remarking ," Whilst not as generous as the MDR bid , the ROCO bid is still quite lucrative for the Islands . "


  22. The Queen gave the short speech at a special banquet in her honour after visiting Crumlin Road Gaol with Stormont First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness - both of whom spent time in the cells during the Troubles .


  23. The comments follow press reports that Her Majesty was concerned about the prospect of Scottish independence . It also follows a statement from First Minister Alex Salmond , who said the Queen will be proud to be the monarch of an independent Scotland .


  24. His first foreign minister accused China of industrialespionage .


  25. Singapore 's first prime minister remained in office from 1959 until 1990 .


  26. Officer : Do you know who was the first Prime Minister of Canada ?


  27. Then , a little more than three years after that , our first prime minister was killed .


  28. The first lay minister was Mr.


  29. He must be the first prime minister in history to look younger after nearly two years in office .


  30. Mr. Leibovitz says the first prime minister of the Chinese Republic completed this program .
